Thursday, February 26, 2009

Mike Vosburg Lecture

My friend Mike Vosburg gave a great lecture on story at my favorite art gallery, Nucleus. They have a regular Wed. night sketchbook group. Mike talked about story and writing in general, storytelling in comics, and storyboarding for both animation and live action film. I wish I'd been able to hear this when I was starting out!

Like many such talks, the discussion ended with a lot of back and forth discussions about freelancing, and business, thus Mike's hilarious response above.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Ghetto Celeb comics

I illustrated part of a book back in 2002. here it is on Amazon. My lettering still sucked at the time, so my wife did the whole thing! Even this last page that badly needed to be edited down.

Ghetto Celeb color tests

Just before the deadline, the client said they had expected color comics (they neglected to tell me that up front!, so I did this test (which I still like)...

...I then proceeded to color the first page. I sort of stiffened up on this one, and didn't like my limited color skills. It looked like Sunday funnies coloring, and Ididn't want to color eight pages of originals in one day, so we settled on black & white. Looking back, I should have compromised and done a single color wash maybe.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

More Old Stuff

I did this (mid 90's?) to illustrate the concept of a commercial artist's lifelong deadline. The halftone was that cheap old zip stuff you had to rub to adhere the dots to the paper. I think you can still buy stuff like this because of the popularity of Manga. It gives a sort of imperfect-but-mechanical look. Thank God I found Wally Wood at a young age!

This was the splash page for my self published comicbook, Junkyard Enforcer, #1. I'm glad I did it, but there is no money in comics like this, so I had to go back to work. But it was fun. This was Prismacolor pencil on some slick pen paper. Then I switched to very smooth bristol, I think.

Even though the newspaper business is imploding, I still think there is a market for a daily newspaper strip about the day to day drama of firefighters. A few years back I wrote six weeks of dailies and Sundays, but realized I like freelancing, and don't want that kind of commitment. Here is me fooling around with the strip - even some old school duo-shade!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Cannery Row minicomic

This was a mini comic I wrote, drew and xeroxed in 12 hours, once when I was stuck in a hotel room on a job in Richmond, Virginia. I didn't really plan the story much, as you can see, but finally decided on only including pages 1 through 6. This was back in 2002. I have to make some time for more comics work!

Friday, February 13, 2009

I try to get to life drawing workshops when I can. It often reminds my how shaky my anatomical knowledge is, so every once in a while I copy from my books. The color keeps it interesting...

I wish I'd gotten my head around this stuff a long time ago...

Trying to get my head around a motorcycle I had to draw. This was when I first started working 100% digitally on the Cintiq, using Painter. Now I use photoshop, but I still love / hate Painter! I keep going back to it.

I do better when I give in to cartooning, instead of trying to draw more accurately. Gotta remember that.

I was fooling around with Painter and somehow got the idea to draw my friend Gerald Forton from memory. I really like cartooning and getting a likeness if I can, but it only happens once in a while.


Originally uploaded by joshsheppard
I just added all my sketchblog art to my Flickr page, plus a bunch of old stuff like this. Hopefully I can figure out how to get it from there to post it here on my blog. This was our great dog Olmo, a 120 lb. Rhodesian Ridgeback who never grew up as long as he lived. He was a lover. We miss him.